Sunday, January 6, 2013

Review: Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1) by Samantha Young

The Keeper
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Kindle edition: 357 pages
Release Date: October 19th, 2011 
Goodreads rating: 4.10
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When eighteen year old Ari Johnson is transported from her bedroom into the chilling realm of Mount Qaf - home to the terrifying and mercurial Jinn - she learns a truth that rocks her very world. Suddenly her anxiety over college and her broken friendship with Charlie seem like small change compared to the war she now finds herself stuck in the middle of. Her unease isn’t lessened any by the hot guardian, Jai, who won’t stop following her around everywhere - a Jinn whose loyalty Ari hates to question but must. She has no idea who she can trust.

When the truth burns through her life in its determination to turn it to ashes, Ari will have to battle with ancient deadly creatures, epic family drama and heart-wrenching romantic entanglements.
Samantha Young is officially an addition to my short list of authors who never disappoint. I was first introduced to the brilliance of this woman when I read On Dublin Street, which became one of my favorite contemporary-romance books. Then I found out I have Slumber on kindle when I got it for free on Amazon early last year (never pass up an opportunity for free books people!) and freaking loved it. Smoking Fire does not veer away from my feelings for the former books. 

The book starts off with Ari Johnson whose life is a picture of normal on the outside. In reality, Ari’s life revolves around complications, with her hazy plans for the future, a father who is practically never around and Charlie – the best friend who blames himself for his brother’s death and fell in with the wrong crowd. Life as she knows it becomes more complicated when she’s thrust – both literally and figuratively – into the world of Jinn. Ari learns about the seven kings of Jinn and meets Jai, the guardian appointed by The Red King to protect her. Soon not only did Ari find out that she’s a Jinn but more importantly discover that she’s a significant one. 

This book has everything I want in a paranormal story: action, adventure, an independent heroine and sweet romance. Samantha created a new twist in YA Paranormal by throwing in the Jinn mythology which is very rare – if not unheard of – in YA. The writing is exceptional and utterly engaging that it brought me back from my reading slump. I was so absorbed by the story that I devoured it in a short time. It also helps that Ari, the heroine, is relatable and has a likable personality. The way she took in the news of her true identity was genuine. She’s very loyal and witty too, which I liked the most about her. Jai is protective and overall awesome while Charlie is a broken and extremely flawed but passionate best friend.

I have a love/hate relationship with love triangles. There are some books where I can tolerate them because the authors could pull it off while there are some that manage to annoy the heck out of me. Smokeless Fire has a hint of love triangle and I loved it. Besides, I’m a solid Team Jai girl!

This book isn’t perfect but I definitely loved it regardless. I strongly recommend this to everyone in search for a unique and intriguing read. 

Author Bio
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Samantha Young, is a 26 year old writer from Stirlingshire, Scotland. After graduating from the university of Edinburgh, Samantha returned to Stirlingshire where she happily spends her days writing about people she's keen for others to meet, and worlds she's dying for them to visit. Having written over ten young adult urban fantasy novels, Samantha took the big plunge into adult contemporary romance with her novel 'On Dublin Street'. 'On Dublin Street' is a #1 National Bestseller and has been re-published by NAL(Penguin US).
Follow her on these sites: Website││Twitter|| Goodreads


  1. I loved On Dublin Street, and like you have this book, and a few others by Samantha on my kindle, but never read them. I'm so going to now. Great review!

  2. Great review! You're right, stories featuring Jinn are few and far between. Sounds like a fascinating read, and I'm curious about how Ari copes with her new reality. I've added this one to my wishlist!

    My Saturday Situation


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