Hi Everyone!, Today we have Geoff Herbcah, author of Anything You Want, on our blog to show us his playlist for the book! I really think that the premise of the book is so cute, one because it is in the perspective of a boy--I mean we know we don't get much of that--but also because it'll talks about the unplanned pregnancy or rather a miracle you just didn't expect to happen right away *wink* So yeah without further ado take it away Geoff! =)
These are songs I used a lot to think about the book. I’m definitely not a writer who can write while music is playing, though. I like music too much to be able to do two things at once when it’s playing.
Al Green’s, Let’s Stay Together: Taco wants this with Maggie so much.
Paul Anka’s You’re Having My Baby: Because, she’s having his baby.
Florence and the Machine’s Dog Days: He thinks maybe it’s the end of hard times. He’ll make his own family!
Neutral Milk Hotel’s Holland 1945: Taco believes in reincarnation.
Flight of the Bumblebee, by Rimsky-Korsakov: This is what his brain sounds like
Prince’s Kiss: This I show Maggie makes him feel.
Welcome to the Jungle, by Guns and Roses (for Darius): Because Darius likes to rock.
Joanna Newsome’s Good Intention Paving Company: This is for Maggie, because she will be this smart and this grounded someday (not now, though – she’s just a kid, too).
Ooh Child, by the Five Stairsteps: Finally, this is for everybody. This is what I want all people to know when things are rough.
Taco’s mom always said, “Today is the best day of your life, and
tomorrow will be even better.” That was hard to believe the day she died of
cancer and when Taco’s dad had to move up north for work, but he sure did
believe it when Maggie Corrigan agreed to go with him to junior prom. Taco
loves Maggie – even more than the tacos that earned him his nickname. And she
loves him right back.
Except all that love? It gets Maggie pregnant. Everyone else may
be freaking out, but Taco can’t wait to have a real family again. He just has
to figure out what it means to be a dad and how to pass calculus. And then
there’s getting Maggie’s parents to like him. Because it would be so much
easier for them to be together if he didn’t have to climb the side of the
Corrigans’ house to see her…
Published by: Sourcebooks Fire
Publication date:May 3rd 2016
Genres:Young Adult, Contemporary
Expect a bundle of joy—er, trouble—in this hilarious, heartwarming story from the award-winning author of Stupid Fast Geoff Herbach
Taco's mom always said, "Today is the best day of your life, and tomorrow will be even better." That was hard to believe the day she died of cancer and when Taco's dad had to move up north for work, but he sure did believe it when Maggie Corrigan agreed to go with him to junior prom. Taco loves Maggie- even more than the tacos that earned him his nickname. And she loves him right back.
Except all that love? It gets Maggie pregnant. Everyone else may be freaking out, but Taco can't wait to have a real family again. He just has to figure out what it means to be a dad and how to pass calculus. And then there's getting Maggie's parents to like him. Because it would be so much easier for them to be together if he didn't have to climb the side of the Corrigans' house to see her...
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About the Author
I am the author of the YA title, Stupid Fast (June 2011 from Sourcebooks Fire). I also wrote The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg, a Novel from Three Rivers Press. When I'm not writing books, I'm writing for Radio Happy Hour or developing ridiculous musical bits.

Writing a lot of writing and reading about writing and writing on reading.